Free Webinar on AI in Business

Save time and generate more revenue using Artificial Intelligence. No tech, no math, no overwhelm - just great results!

You don’t need to struggle to build and manage your business, and have the life you want.

Let AI do a chunk of your work for you.

I’m lifting the lid on the best of the best easy-to-use tools for small business owners to use, save time, and grow—all with Artificial Intelligence.

Even if you are just starting your business and have no idea how (or if) AI tools could make a difference – I can help. When I introduce business owners to AI tools, their reaction is often ‘I wish I had known that earlier’, so sign up to my free webinar and start learning now.

Watch This Free Webinar If...

  • You want to save time but still get the work done.
  • You would love someone (or something) to take over some aspects of your business smartly (writing, social media, sales, customer service?)
  • You wonder if there is some way you can solve some of your current challenges more easily
  • You want to regain more time every week
  • You need help

Sign-up To Watch This FREE Webinar Today to See How it Can Help Your Business

Dr Bates is the best translator of AI.”
Christina Renner-Thomas European Council - Co-Chair Advocacy Committee, Healthcare Businesswomen’s Association (HBA)

Why I Can Help You

I have been helping big healthcare companies add hundreds of millions to their bottom line using Artificial Intelligence for the past 18 years. We were using AI in my lab when I was doing my PhD in the 1990’s and even then I knew that it was a game-changer. I focused all my attention on using AI to grow large healthcare companies sales and marketing results. I was the first person in the world to apply AI to marketing and now I want to make AI accessible to everyone – be it large or small business: startup or established.

I understand you’re busy running and growing your business. You don’t have time to try and figure out what works; you need results fast! Luckily for you, I LOVE researching AI tools, their back-end technologies and their customer results,  sorting the good from the hype, and reporting back the results.

Watch my free webinar for a step-by-step introduction into how you can use AI to create a business that works for you – rather than the other way around.

Discover How Easy it is to Leverage AI in Your Small Business

Here’s what you will learn:

  • What AI is all about – the super quick guide
  • Where AI can help with running and growing a business
  • Case study examples
  • Where the easiest no brainer place to begin is if you are considering AI and want to ensure success
Watch my free webinar for a step-by-step introduction into how you can use AI to create a business that works for you - rather than the other way around.

“I am a solopreneur and never even thought about how AI could help me market my business until I met Dr. Bates. I considered it a technical thing that was irrelevant to me until I participated in one of the AI-cademy trainings. I am saving 2 days a week in time using 3 of these tools (2 of which are free) and the boost in clients coming in has been very satisfying and I am even recommending these tools to my clients now.”

Common AI Questions

No need for tech or math as the tools I show you are plug and play. Have you used Word or Powerpoint? If so, you can use these tools. They are that simple.

Yes – I will give many examples in the webinar and include some case studies of different kinds of small and medium sized businesses.

This webinar is for female entrepreneurs and business owners, female creatives, freelancers, consultants, small business owners, and established and aspiring entrepreneurs who want to take control of their time and fast track their revenues.

I read some statistics about how few women were interested in AI and tech as they do not feel that they will understand it. This is doing a disservice to a large proportion of the population and I want women to be able to capitalize on AI to improve their business!  While we’re proud of female entrepreneurs from around the world who are building their businesses with our help, we welcome all genders. The content is not gender-specific, and everyone is welcome.

Yes! It is ideal if you’re just starting out, because it’ll show you shortcuts and help you avoid the time drain mistakes even smart entrepreneurs make because they do not know what is available.

We’re proud to have helped people in different industries and in numerous countries.

From consultants, market researchers, freelancers, PR agencies, healthcare companies, fashion, insurance, shipping, app makers, tech companies, yogis, writers, and every flavor of speaker, author, coach, and consultant — the range of rich and diverse businesses we can help is one of our distinct advantages.

No matter what you sell — products, services, or anything else — you must understand how to save your time and effectively and create outstanding customer experiences and AI can help.

So if you sell to humans, AI  can help.

The tools you’ll learn about are universally applicable. Most have multi-language applications.

The webinar is free!