Bringing AI to Female Entrepreneurs

I’ve helped corporations use this secret weapon to add millions to their bottom line, and now I’m bringing it to even the smallest of businesses.

Hi, I’m Andree, and I help my fellow female entrepreneurs and business owners discover AI tools that can help them scale with ease.

You don’t need to struggle to build and manage your business and have the life you want.

There is a whole raft of data-driven tools available that can tackle your biggest business challenges, like:

  • Design your website
  • Build your website
  • Understand your target audience thoroughly
  • Create and deliver your content (copywriting, blogs, social media)
  • Build your list
  • Be your personal assistant
  • Automatically create and personalize your email newsletter
  • Market your business
  • Supercharge your social media
  • Get your website selling more and higher $ values
  • Support your customers (via both phone calls and emails)
  • Get your sales calls closing at a higher rate and faster

But few people outside of the big corporations even know they exist. And the people using these tools to add millions to their profit margins, are keeping this knowledge to themselves.

Helping Small Business Get Big Results

28 Years Helping Big Corporates

I have been helping big healthcare companies add hundreds of millions of $ to their bottom line using Artificial Intelligence.

23 Years as an Entrepreneur

I want to democratize Artificial Intelligence so that all women business owners, no matter how small their budget, can leverage the power of AI easily.

Over a Decade in AI & Marketing

For well over a decade I have been applying AI to marketing because traditional approaches are not good enough in today’s competitive world.

Translating AI into human

There is a misperception that AI can only be implemented by techies and that it is difficult to use and get started. It’s true – creating the tools from scratch is technically challenging.

But there is an arsenal of tools that have already been made and commercialized that can be used easily. And you don’t have to be mathematical or technically-minded yourself to use them. With nearly 20 years experience explaining the power of AI to senior leaders within large corporations, I have perfected the art of communicating what people need to know about the AI they want to use.

I understand you’re busy running and growing your business. You don’t have time to try and figure out what works, you need results fast!  Luckily I LOVE testing out different AI tools and reporting back the results I get.

And I love seeing real people get real results!

So I’m lifting the lid on what is the best of the best for small business owners to use, save time, and grow.

Even if you are just starting your business and have no idea how (or if) these AI tools could make a difference – I can help. When I introduce business owners to these tools, they’re reaction is often ‘I wish I had known that earlier’, so the best time to start learning about this is now.

Sign-up To Watch The FREE Webinar Today

Get a basic understanding of how you can use Artificial Intelligence in your business.

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Other things you might like to know about me….

My career has been in healthcare with a focus on AI and digital solutions for a very long time now, and I still work in that space as well.

Have conceptualised and built 287 BIG AI builds for big pharma since 2003. I have also devised the AI strategic roadmap for many times that number over the years.

I have been recognized by a leading AI company initiative

In fact, they were part of the reason for this AI-cademy. They were discussing contributing something on AI for women for women’s day. At the time I already had female entrepreneurs who I was mentoring on using AI in their business due to speaking on the topic at various events. And thus, the idea was born. 

I have been interviewed in numerous youtube channels and podcasts focused on the pharmaceutical industry about AI

I have lectured in 4 business schools MBA programs on AI (INSEAD, St Josephs, Fordham, The Business School London)

I am currently setting up an AI Lab in the The Business School in London.

I have spoken at more than 500 international conferences which I LOVE to do. If you want me to speak at your event, I really enjoy showing how exciting AI can be so do contact me.

You can see my qualifications and experience on Linkedin here

Oh, and I have both a helicopter and an aeroplane pilots license.

And I bake cupcakes (see, it’s not all tech and numbers)..

Ask me to speak at your event about AI!